Wednesday Community Project

Quest Community Project

These community projects are our longest serving sessions, and are now in their 5th year.  They have become the anchor in the week of many home ed families, and have evolved into warm, welcoming, nurturing spaces that have brought families and children of all ages together for friendship, cammaraderie, support and skill sharing.  These sessions are for all of the family to enjoy together, and have beciome a place that is treasured as much for the grown ups as for the children.  These Community sessions run on both Wednesday's and Thursdays and are geared towards different age groups, with different offerings.  This page tells you all about the Wednesday Crew...

  • 9 - 16 year olds
  • Wednesday 11.30 - 3.30
  • £13 per child per session (£169 a season)
  • Maximum of 16 spaces
  • These sessions are designed for families, although children aged 13+ may attend independently

Wednesdays 11.30am – 3.30pm

Over the Autumn season we will embark on a range of hands-on, facilitated and guided activities, interspersed with days of games, self-led activites and chilling out with friends in the woods... our plans for Autumn are:

  • Wed 15th Sept: Welcome to The Patch, introduction to the site, team challenges and activities (introductory session) 
  • Wed 22nd Sept: Exploring the woods, orienteering and map reading (introductory session)
  • Wed 29th Sept: Team work - building and launching a trebuchet 
  • Wed 6th Oct: Patch Jobs / Games / Self-led exploration
  • Wed 13th Oct: Introduction to Campfire Cooking 
  • Wed 20th Oct: Cooking Soup in a Kotlich and damper bread 
  • Wed 27th Oct: No Session
  • Wed 3rd Nov: Introduction to cob mixing 
  • Wed 10th Nov: Building a cob pizza oven 
  • Wed 17th Nov: Making and cooking pizzas 
  • Wed 24th Nov: Patch Jobs / Games / Self-led exploration
  • Wed 1st Dec: Introduction to woodwork tools
  • Wed 8th Dec: Making your own stool
  • Wed 15th Dec: Patch Jobs / Games / Self-led exploration & Winter Feast

Most families sign up for the season, but for the first time we are also offereing any available spaces on a Pay As You Go basis.  If you would like to sign up for the season, we would request that you attend the two introductory sessions to come and meet the group.