COVID-19 Policy



  • Until further notice all sessions, activities and events at The Patch have to be pre-booked via The Patch website
  • As part of our booking system visitors are reminded not to visit if they feel unwell with any symptoms that may be linked to Covid-19, or if they have been in contact with anyone who has been confirmed, or is currently being tested for Covid-19.
  • There is signage at the entrance to The Patch reminding visitors of the 2m social distancing guidelines
  • There are two free flowing water handwashing stations at The Patch, at the entrance by the toilet, and by the refreshments area
  • There is also hand sanitiser liquid available across the site
  • The site is cleaned and sanitised daily, and contact points (handles, rails etc.) that are touched frequently are cleaned at regular intervals
  • Cleaning materials are available for adults to use at any time should they wish to wipe or sanitise any surface and are available through The Patch team
  • Resources and materials have been carefully selected to minimise transfer of germs, and items that cannot be effectively cleaned in between use have been put on a 72 hour rotation.
  • Largely the sessions that are being offered are parent and child sessions that are ticketed per household, where children only sessions are offered these are done in small groups or sub groups to ensure that we work within the government guidelines
  • The site has been split into zones, so that there is plenty of space for everyone to enjoy the resources, if anyone from the Patch team feels any zone is too congested then we will help to limit numbers by moving equipment, requiring turn taking to access a zone
  • Any refreshments that are served are individually wrapped and visitors are asked not to share food / drink with other outside of their family / household.
  • Should anyone report to us that they been to The Patch and since been diagnosed with Covid-19, we will inform any attendees of the session to which they attended.
  • If any of The Patch team contract Covid-19, then they will self-isolate for 14 days.  Should this affect the ability to run future sessions, or require The Patch to close temporarily, then a full refund will be given.