Duke of Edinburgh Award

Duke of Edinburgh Award 

We will meet fortnightly over the Autumn & Winter from 4-5.30 to work on a range of skills and knowledge that will be necessary for our Bronze Expedition which will take place late Spring 2022.  This will also provide enough time for the young people to complete their 3 & 6 month challenges.  From March 2022, our session times will increase to 4pm – 7pm (to allow us to practice our campfire cooking skills) and we will add in a once a month expedition to train for the Bronze expedition which will be sometime in May 2022.

  • 14 - 16 year olds
  • Alternate Wednesdays 4.00 - 5.30
  • Sept – Dec fees & enrolment fee = £83.00
  • Places for up to 12 young people
  • These sessions are designed for young people to attend independently

It costs £23.00 to register for your D of E Bronze pack (which we can do as a group), and sessions will be charged at £10 per session.  Expedition groups need to have between 4 and 7 participants, so we have decided to make 12 spaces available so that we can split into 2 groups.  (total cost for enrolment and Sept – Dec sessions = £83.00)

Session dates for 2021:

  • 22nd Sept: Group meets / look through Bronze welcome pack / discusses volunteering, physical & skills ideas
  • 6th Oct: Present to each other the volunteering, physical & skills areas you have chosen
  • 20th Oct: Knots and lashings
  • 3rd Nov: Splitting into 2 sub groups, map reading skills and planning a route for the other group to follow
  • 17th Nov: Going on an evening walk (this session will be extended to finish at 6.30 and will include a soup supper)
  • 1st Dec: Update on volunteering, physical & skills experiences, undergoing a team challenge

An overview of the Bronze D of E programme can be found below, and more info can be found by visiting www.dofe.org

At each level you have to satisfy the requirements of four sections:

  • Volunteering: Undertaking service to individuals or the community.
  • Physical: Improving in an area of sport, dance or fitness activities.
  • Skills: Developing practical and social skills and personal interests.
  • Expedition: Planning, training for and completing an adventurous journey in the UK or abroad.